23 Sep

Exciting news: Autel TPMS tool TS601 price  $495 incl. shipping (on www.uobdii.com), it’s really a good price after  you compared it with Amazon Aliexpress. It will be sent soon after  paid, ship from Hong Kong, 3-5 working days delivery, one year free  update on the internet via USB port, some users feedback they can’t  register with serial number doesn’t exist, it is clone. Well  www.uobdii.com is the real one, please feel free to use.

As known TS601 is the most powerful TPMS tool among Autel TS501,  TS601, most users prefer to TS601, for their difference, here a  comparison table:

 Autel MaxiTPMS TS601 Vs TS501 Vs TS401 Vs PAD Vs MS906TS

Here YouTube Video on, how to use TS601 to test clone create TPM sensor and

program MX-sensor:

It will well pack come in a nice box.


Here collect several pieces of Autel TPMS tool TS601 Questions and Answers:


I have a tpms light on for my front driver side. will this read the possibly faulty sensor and program a new one if need be?

Answer: Edit: Just checked the tool and it describes the procedure  for each vehicle. 350Z requires a tool with OBDII connection to load the  ID’s.

Question: can TS601 tool program the original ID #to the new sensor and relearn thanks

Answer: Can this tool program all car make and model accurate check for all sensor

Question:Is there any way to find out the coverage of cars this unit will work on? Ie. I have 2009 Subaru Outback

Answer:It is a amazing product and it does cover the 09 Subaru

Question:Will this work on a 2012 subaru impreza?

Answer: yes it can

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Article from TPMS Blog: Autel TPMS tool TS601 Price Cut Down

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