15 Jul

The electrical power used in automotive electrical equipment is a DC  power source, which comes from batteries or generators. The electrical  system, which is connected by batteries, generators, regulators,  charging status indicating devices, switches and wires, is called a  power supply system (referred to as a power supply system).UCANDAS VDM2

The work of the automotive power systemThe battery and the generator in the MB SD Connect C4 power supply system are working in parallel. When the engine is in  normal operation, the generator is powered by the generator and charged  to the battery. At the time of starting, the battery supplies power to  the starter. As the generator is driven by the engine through the drive  rotation, when the engine speed changes, the generator output voltage  will change. To meet the requirements of automotive electrical VAS5054A equipment and battery charging constant voltage, the power system are  set within the voltage regulator to ensure that the generator output  voltage stability in a certain range, to prevent the voltage fluctuation  is too large and burn the electrical equipment. The charging state  indicating means indicates the charge / discharge condition of the  battery.

The layout of automotive power systems   VVDI2 

At present, the power system on the car can be divided into 12V power  system and 24V power system, and the general use of alternator and  electronic regulator.Key Programmer

According to the electronic regulator installed in different ways, the  power system layout can be divided into separate and integral two.key cutting machine

The distinctive features of the integral alternator power supply system are:

There is no longer a wire connection between the alternator and the  voltage regulator. The system line is greatly simplified and the failure  rate is greatly reduced. But the system failure can not quickly  diagnose the failure of the car parts

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In recent years, with the people riding comfort, fuel economy,  environmental protection requirements of the increasing, new electrical  installations in the car has been widely used, the proportion of  automotive electronic accessories increased significantly, such as a  variety of Electronic control system (electronic control jet, electronic  control automatic transmission, electronic control suspension), cruise  control, car computer network.Diatronik OBD Tool

Some electromagnetic or electric actuators have also gradually replaced  the hydraulic drive and pneumatic actuator, which greatly increases the  load on the electrical system, which requires the car's power system to  provide higher power.


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