08 May

At that time I was hesitated to purchase OBDATAR X300 PRO3 or SKP-900 key programmer to program smart key for my Ford car. Now I'm glad for my choice to  X300 PRO3, of course I do not have bad reviews on SKP-900, it is also a  powerful and professional diagnostic tool, but I think X300 PRO3 more  suitable for me.

X300  PRO3 key master by OBDSTAR Company features with the immobilizer key  programming function of SKP900, as well as new function such as Odometer  adjustment, EEPROM/PIC and OBDII. This car key programmer I got from  uobdii.com charged US$485, compared to skp-900 who would charge more expensive. And as far as I know uobdii 9th Anniversary Free Shipping is under the way, at the outset I took a little money for Shipping.
Well, why do I say that this key programming tool suitable for me? I use X300 pro3 to successfully correct odometer of my car for odometer value is high enough to put up with. Several days ago, my best friend borrowed to reset oil service,  he said it was easy to operate and he wanted to buy one too. I am happy  my OBDATAR X300 PRO3 helps to solve his trouble. I have owned this  hand-held key programmer for 3 months, and become a little expert with  it.
Here I also share with you how to update software for OBDSTAR X300 Pro3 Key Master
At first, you should download the update tool and diagnostic software on www.obdstar.com, then double click the application to install.
Step1: When Update Tool installation complete, click the update tool icon on the desktop to start it.
Step2: Then click source menu, choose the program you want to update, click confirm
Step3: click and select all the software then click “update”
Step4: wait for several minutes until updating finished.
Final  Statement: these are all my experience when using X300 Pro3, there is  no suspicion of selling, please purchase according to your own needs and  wishes.

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